
Saturday, December 16, 2017

Fuckin Bullshit!

Apparently the phone bill is higher than what the friend of him told me . (the phone he can call me on.) So I think we have to skip the phone alltogether. Fuckin sucks!!! I only had it for 2.5 month. And he hasnt called that much. It cost 20 cents per min. Even if its Global roaming. Its not my fault his friend didnt check that out before signing it, he claims the contract is on 2 years! Am i supposed to pay for a phone I cant even use??? Heck no!! He better fix that. Or get a cheaper way for My man to call me. I dont know. It seems everything is kicking my butt lately. I sure gonna miss his voice and laugh. 😢😭Just aggravate me. Im trying to pay what I can. I am not rich.

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