
Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Got a letter today

He must have hit his head or something. 😒😕That damn friend of his putting nonsense into his head too. He wrote a bunch of things I dont even know what it came from... He was waiting for my letters to come and I was doing the same...Well ofcourse noone got a letter then... told me , I should be free and he isnt holding me back. And that He thinks I fallen out of love with him?? QUE??? 👀😶
 It wasnt the letter I expected but I had to do some explainations for sure. I dont know if he believes me or not.  He thinks I didnt want to talk to him on the phone, I just wanted us to talk a little less cus of the phone bill. Until i get my finances in check..  He totally missunderstood. He may be right abt me not writing alot.... UGHHH This is a total mess for sure. 👎

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