
Friday, September 7, 2018

Im not quick enough

So ive been missing my guys calls , One on Tuesday, Because I was at work later, The phone was at home... The second time I brought the phone with me yesterday at work. STILL I missed it 😡😩 I was so pissed I cussed , But then at around 2 am he called. I was so deep into sleep/dreaming I didnt wake up quick enough so I MISSED it yet again. I was even more mad...  Eventually he called again after  15 min. finally was quick enough to answer it!!! 😄😆YAYYYY!!!
It was so nice hearing from him. I really missed him. Now the phone calls are 30 minutes instead of 20. We talked for an hour. I swear I wanted to talk to him even more. I will put on some more money so he can call this weekend. or even today??? 💖😘

Ima little worried about something...about work. I called my boss to ask something. He said we want to meet you maybe next week. Meet about what??? GULP! 😱I thougt first I was getting fired or laid off. You dont wait with that stuff. I hope its not anything too bad. I really hope I am able to stay on this job for a little more. 1 year or so. *praying* I do I dont want to ask cus I dont want to ask too much.

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