
Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Purple hair??


Trying to turn my hair purple ombre style , but its not going that well...I tried with this purple hair color and It didnt stuck to my hair at all...But I might had too wet hair. Gonna try tomorrow. I also got another coloring kit wich is a bit darker I might try. Right now my hair is yellow/orangey. I dont wanna dye it blonder anymore. Just want to make some kind of color to it...This will be the 6th time I color it... Ugh Im so over it... 😒😒 Gonna try it one more time tomorrow , and have it more than 15 min, maybe 30. then move on to the other one, It got a darker purple.  I WILL FIX IT PURPLE , That im determine too !!!!!! 😡😡

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