
Sunday, June 13, 2021

Week Update of June


Sitting here watching tv , the documentary The Blackwell Ghost 5. Its pretty interesting.👻👀 What I been up to since 6th june. Not alot...Not alot🙄 , Been home alot. Been watching tv series. Especially Ghost shows. I cant do much , Financially im not able to spend like I did when I had  that job....It sucks😭😢. I dont even know when I will be able to. But Im still searching... I hope  I can get some unemployment. Its not much but atelast its something.🤔

I got a Birthday Card from my man on Thursday. That was very nice.🥰💓💕❤️ There was a letter too in the envelope. Im just so tired of fighting. Mentally drained and to begin a new job scares me. 😣😣

Here is a pic of the card 

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