
Friday, August 27, 2021

Egg donation in process


Im on day 3 of taking the hormone injections. I feel a bit MEH.🙄😒😶 I still havent got a letter from my guy... MEh to that too lol . Frankly I dont care. If he busy he is busy. I just have to do me for now. Try not to think about him so much...since he dont care about me?? Idk if he does. I schedule another video visit couple of days ago . Its next week. We will see if it works. I dont have high hopes.. I hope it works... I just want to see how he is. and whatever. Maybe im just grumpy cus of these hormones😩😖😣. Wouldnt be suprising. Idiot he is. Stupid him for ingoring me. LOL 🤬🤬🤬
One word :Men!! 🙄

Tomorrow I have work with the complaining girl. I need money and I just have to make some. For my bills and for food🙏🙏

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