
Thursday, October 5, 2023

3.26 am entry

I havent wrote back to his message. I usually do very quickly.? But i just dont know what to reply to that?  🤔🫤☹️🤨😒 so i just dont . I dont feel like it. Im doing okay so far. I havent collapsed yet. I am very very veeerrrryyyy tired. Mind and body and soul. Oh my gosh ! I really cant wait for the weekend. 🙏🙏🙏 
My weight loss hasnt changed . I need to step up... Its already October?! I m here stuck on the same weight. Ridiculous!!! 😤😤😤😤 
I wish there was a pill that made you not hungry . I know there's this weight loss diabetic medicin thing out there. I reslt wouldn't try it. Where did my pillpower go? 🫥🫥😒🙄

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