
Sunday, December 28, 2014

Survived Christmas at my sister

I came home yesterday around 9:30 Pm. It was pretty fun. The most fun was to see my nieces play. Theyre only 2,5 and 1 and 3 months or 15 months? Idk how you count baby years. LOL There was pulled pork for food, rice, veggies, gravy and sourcream, and a pitabread where you supposed to put all of those foods in. It didnt go well. Its hard to get a pitabread open....mhm

My nieces were superhappy about their Christmas gifts. I got something too....nothing I really wanted. I thought we werent supposed to buy thigns for the adults??

When I came home I was nauseus. My stomach was upset, like bubbly  It was like that all night :( Im so thankful it went away. I prayed to God to get my stomach better. I guess he did listen.

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