
Thursday, December 17, 2015

when you fight with your mother

I said something to my mom and she got really upset/angry. saying I was really mean,  She even hung up. Then I sent a txt saying sorry etc.. She sent one bac saying I was just thinking about myself. She has giver her life to others and gets treated bad (I rarely saying anything that would upset her) I sent back that that is mean of her to say that back. I said I was gonna spend Christmas bymyself and she could celebrate it with my brother...Idk If I do that but I might....  This happens almost never but when I do say something that is not cool she really overractes most of the time...I did say sorry. She has said so many things to me that hurt me but i dont react like that... Whatever.....
I am gonna try to forget it. I wont talk to her for some time.  :(

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