
Friday, February 12, 2021

Donated eggs yesterday


Its all done now, I donated my eggs yesterday..💕❤️ I must say it was abit more painful than the last time but I t hink it was because the nurse didnt put so much morfin as the last time..But then again I wasnt feeling as queezy. I think they got out 14 eggs in total... They will call today and check up on me, maybe i will know better. Today I ordered some Pizza, actually 2 pizzas LOL 1 with meatballs on and the other chicken curry. My fav ones.😋🍕 

Its nice I will get paid too for it. I will save everything of it. For a trip in the future. ❤️

I also got a letter from my man. I got the news he has transferred to the new unit. 👍👍😊 That's good to know. 

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