
Sunday, February 14, 2021

Valentines Day today


Is my valentines day any special today?? Not really?? I did get a Happy Valentines Day couple of days ago from my man. Wich was nice, Would been nicer if he was here though in flesh. I did work out today. Its been a long time since that happened. I did do it once couple weeks ago at work. When I had my night shift but I kinda over did it. My knee swell up bad.. So I didnt do as I did the last time so far my knee feels okay. I admit my eating havent been the best today but tomorrow is a new day to make it right. 

I forgot to get a new prescription for my pills , I tried with doctors on 2 apps . They both denied it, So im without since Thursday. I think Im starting to feel it right now...  Do I even need them??????Why do I feel so hyper?? Like I got extra ENERGY. So many questions.... 

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