
Friday, December 23, 2022

Hello Pmdd monster

I haven't Heard from him since a couple of days Tuesday last week. I replied on Saturday!!!. Greeaat. Well fine then I won't bother him. UGH... He just tics me off right now!!!  If that's what he wants.. Right before Christmas too? 😕😒🙄 Was it something I did? Or said? Or he just very busy. I don't know. Just freaking out a bit. I'm having my pmdd too. Fuckin great!! I don't feel like celebrating "Christmas" There it is tomorrow!!! Can I skip it? My mom will come over tomorrow. She just makes fun of me of my pmdd. It's not something I make up ok?? 😑😑😑

I feel so irritated and so alone. Confused. And yeah depressed.😢😩☹️😔
Just feel like a burden and a failure. 

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